Here you will find many expressions to use during formal and informal Italian conversation.

We'll start with an informal dialogue, and soon I'll add the formal one.

Italian dialogue samples

-Ciao! Come stai?
-Tutto bene. Grazie. E tu?
-Anch'io sto bene. Grazie.
-Possiamo prendere un caffè? Hai tempo?
-Sì, certo! Lo offro io
-Ah grazie. La prossima volta offro io allora.
-Va bene. Andiamo.

-Hi! How are you doing?
-All right. Thanks. And you?
-So am I. Thanks.
-Could we have a coffee? Do you have time?
-Yes, of course! I'll offer it.
-Oh thanks. I'll offer it next time then.
-Ok. Let's go.

And how do we learn them?
1. You should focus on the letters, pronouncing the words clearly (you can use google translator to check the spelling - it's good-).
2. After that, close your eyes (or just don't look to the words) and keep repeating them loud until you memorize them. This means you will be able to pronounce them without reading and they will come out naturally. 
3. Try to say the hole sentences with the same words. After that you can write them down in order to be sure you have memorized the correct writing. That should allow you to learn conversational Italian for correspondence. 
4. And then start creating your own sentences mixing the words you already know. Of course then an Italian teacher will be useful to check them with you. 

That's it! Enjoy your new studying methodology.

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